Editorial Work

The 5-page article on the building of a mediaeval chateau at Guedelon in France at the head of this page comes from the January 2022 issue of Vintage Spirit, while the article below it, on the giant Arrol crane in the former John Brown shipyard on the Clyde, appeared in Vintage Spirit in 2018.


My first published articles were in the late 1960s, in the long-defunct Industrial & Commercial Photographer and the travel magazine High Road, the latter also now long out of print. They were followed by a number of articles in the ealy 1970s in Practical Photography.  Several years as Associate Editor of Photo Technique and as a regular contributor to The Photographer in the 1970s were followed in the early 1980s by four years as editor of Master Photography, later The Master Photographer. By the second half of the 1980s, and in addition to continuing contributions to the photographic press – most notably to Photon, later known as Freelance Photographer – my travel, history and heritage writing was appearing in a number of other magazines, including HeritageThe Independent Colour Magazine, and most of the country's county magazines. That pattern continued through the 1990s, but by the end of the decade, with the style and content of the amateur photographic press becoming increasingly product rather than image-orientated, I elected to concentrate on writing and illustrating articles for the growing number of heritage, lifestyle and travel magazines, while also maintaining a regular contribution to every issue of Scotland Magazine for nearly 18 years until late 2019. Today my editorial work is much reduced, and largely concerned with Britain's 19th and 20th century industrial history.

The Gas Tramcar – an idea ahead of its time is published in hardback by Pen & Sword Transport, price £35.00


The last few copies of The Victorian Photographs of Dr Thomas Keith and John Forbes White are available in hardback direct from the author at half price – £10 plus P&P. Use Contacts Page to order.

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All images and text © John Hannavy